Since the onset of COVID, the use of telehealth billing services as a viable way of obtaining and delivering care has expanded. The telehealth industry continues to increase its variety of solutions, from increasing cases to a fast-growing number of digital devices that address many patient care demands.
Between October 2019 and October 2020, virtual care claims increased by 3,060%. Because of its popularity, CMS removed several telehealth coverage limitations.
These government changes are just transitory, but the predominance of telehealth is projected to remain. Many patients and professional caregivers recognize the benefits of virtual care. To address this need, investors are putting historic amounts of money into telehealth.
However, as telehealth billing services have increased in popularity, new issues have arisen in the areas of licensure, reimbursement, adoption, EMR integration, and health and awareness accessibility.
Top Telehealth Billing Challenges and How to Overcome Them
There are a lot of challenges that telehealth billing system faces but some of the most common challenges are:
- Lack of Paperwork Checking
The following are some of the most typical causes for telemedicine claim denials when billing insurance companies and government payers:
- The supplier is not a member of the network
- The policy no longer covers the individual
- Insurance does not cover this service
- Incorrect data, such as the individual’s name, ID number, or date of birth
- A pre-approval was required
These are all pretty straightforward denials to avoid at a clinic or office since front office personnel may review all of this data long before the patient comes. Over the phone or through computer systems, patients are routinely requested to fill out or double-check personal information, copy new insurance cards, and complete insurance verifications.
When dealing with telemedicine, provides risk most of these checks being overlooked. Instead of being assessed by a therapist, the patient might go to an internet portal and fill out their own information. Typos might cause payment delays, uncertainty over the information, or outright dishonesty.
Integrating EMR with telehealth billing technology is often costly and time-consuming. Due to a lack of integration, duplicate documentation is necessary, which is not only time-consuming but also increases the chance of error and employee dissatisfaction. To maintain HIPAA compliance and protect sensitive data, the most secure exchange mechanisms must be used.
As telehealth grows in popularity, new systems of care must be developed to guarantee that communication between physicians and patients is maintained or enhanced, relationships are built, and healthcare efficacy and efficiency are increased.
- Reimbursement
One of the most severe telehealth billing difficulties has been CMS and commercial payers’ limited payment choices and quantities, particularly compared to traditional on-site consultations. Payment parity standards have been adopted in 29 states, but no enforcement mechanism exists.
The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services boosted reimbursement during the epidemic, although the long-term impact of this transitory change is uncertain. It is realistic to expect that benefits, insurance, and payment for Telehealth billing services will continue to grow as consumerism takes center stage and evidence of the benefits of telehealth services accumulates. CMS and other payers are likely to continue to provide an increasing number of claimable codes. - Medical Cybersecurity Threats
Healthcare data breaches are growing more common as more practices keep necessary patient documentation online. Companies that send customer data must invest in cybersecurity.
Oriental Solutions has reacted to the growing popularity of telehealth billing. We used the few virtual care codes that CMS provides and optimized revenue production. Because of this efficiency, our consumers have been safe throughout the telehealth frenzy. Visit our website to learn how our virtual care specialists can help your RCM.
- Cross-State Telehealth Regulations
Telehealth allows providers to serve patients in another state remotely. While this skill might be advantageous in some circumstances, it frequently causes issues. Each state has its own certification and treatment criteria. To treat clients in that location, providers must get a state license. This procedure can be time-consuming and inefficient.
During the pandemic, CMS declared a public health emergency (PHE), removing many interstate prohibitions. As a result, clinicians have accepted patients they would have previously rejected. Following the PHE, physicians may be forced to choose between out-of-state patients and a time-consuming certification process.
- Necessary EHR Adoption
Since 2014, EHRs have dominated the patient information transfer environment. The records provide vital, precise information fast. However, for practical reasons, a subgroup of practices has chosen not to use EHRs.
Using EHRs causes stringent security procedures that many providers cannot satisfy in a timely manner. It is challenging to maintain a system that directly shares sensitive information with other activities. Despite these challenges, rising telehealth use may compel laggards to integrate EHRs, requiring large expenditures.
Final Thoughts
The benefits of telehealth billing exceed the difficulties of deploying the technology. Oriental Solutions have a team of specialists ready to help you establish a successful telehealth program that will position you at the forefront of the healthcare industry’s future.
Our reimbursement experts can help customers with the telemedicine reimbursement procedure. Oriental Solutions, one of the leading medical billing service firms, in India, UK, US has a team of technical specialists on hand to help customers implement partial or complete integration into their EMR systems, resulting in greater efficiency and less work for our clients.
Elevate your healthcare practice with Oriental Solutions: Your telehealth transformation starts here