We humans are so obsessed with the data. We are collecting and analysing data every second and only if our brain would have been able to curate all the data properly, we would have reached the heights which we can’t even imagine!

Similarly, the businesses are obsessed with collecting data in all the varied ways. They find every source to collect data (viz. interviews, twitter, facebook, linkedIn and many more). But what will happen with the collection of the data if you don’t know what exactly you have to collect. If you won’t curate the data, it would be just a pile of data sitting on your servers.

What is Data Curation?

Let’s first understand what is curation with our childhood examples;


Remember your school days, you had the timetable for each day. Keeping the vision in mind for the day, you packed your bags as per the schedule. What if you took all the books and haven’t organized them in order? You would have wasted lot of time in when the lecture begins.


When you visit the library, the books are all sorted and labelled in the shelf. The librarian knows which books are there in the library and which are not. He spent good amount of time in selecting and organizing books, on the basis of our requirements. You might have observed most read book in foreground and least preferred away from the projection.

Curation is the action or process of selecting, organizing, and looking after the items in a collection or exhibition.

Data curation is the active and ongoing management of data through its lifecycle of interest and usefulness, curation activities enable data discovery and retrieval, maintain quality, add value, organize and provide for re-use over time.

Data Curation is the art of maintaining the value of data.

Why Data Curation is important?

Today, businesses in all market segments are competing in highly competitive information economies. Market leaders are increasingly distinguished by how effectively they use data to drive stronger performance and customer adoption. Yet, many organizations lack a clear plan for how data should be influencing business decisions and product/service designs. Data volume is growing exponentially. Processing this data has become a costly and time-consuming process. With the increasing variety and heterogeneity of data sources obtaining organized data for the analytical tool has become crucial.

By 2025, the average connected person anywhere in the world will interact with their connected devices more than 4,900 times per day (one interaction every 18 seconds). The total amount of digital data created worldwide will rise to 175 zettabytes (from approximately 40 zettabytes in 2019), ballooned by the growing number of devices and sensors. – IDC Data Age 2025


Though Data Curation is still considered a “buzz word” by many in the content world, it is now becoming a marketing staple for many companies with a successful online presence’.

Data Curators are helping in these buzzing trends of today’s industries:

  1. Powering AI and Machine Learning – AI consisting of “neural networks” collaborate, and can use Deep Learning to recognize patterns. However, at initial stages Humans have to intervene by directing algorithmic behaviour towards effective learning. Stephanie McReynolds, VP of marketing at Alation says “Curations are about where the humans can actually add their knowledge to what the machine has automated.” This results in preparing intellectual self-service processes and setting organizations up for insights.
  2. Avoiding Data Swamps – Many organizations access their Data Lakes which is a debris of unorganized, unstructured raw information. The Data Lake retains ALL data. Not just data that is in use today but data that may be used, and even data that may never be used just because it MIGHT be used someday. It is easier for an end user to get lost in this Data Swamp. Due to the complexity of this raw data, you need a lot of skills to curate this data into more sensible information.
  3. Ensuring Data Quality – Data Curators clean, organize and undertake actions to ensure the long-term preservation and retention of the authoritative nature of digital objects.
  4. Saving Cost – Gartner predicts that by 2023, organizations that promote data sharing will outperform their peers on most business value metrics. By 2021, organizations that offer users access to a curated catalogue of internally and externally prepared data will realize 100% more business value from analytics investments than those that do not.
  5. Speeding Innovation – When disruption knocks, opportunity is close behind. In today’s world, the quicker you know your customer or their needs, the faster you can grow your business. Data Curation enhances collaboration by opening and socializing how data is used. This further results in innovation.

The following technologies provide direction towards better interaction:

Data-Driven Documents1 (D3.js): D3.js is library for displaying interactive graphs in web documents. This library adheres to open web standard such as HTML5, SVG and CSS, to enable powerful visualizations with open-source licensing.

Tableau2: This software allows users to visualize multiple dimensions of relational databases. Furthermore, it enables visualization of unstructured data through third-party adapters. Tableau has received a lot of attention due to its ease of use and free access public plan.

Open Refine3: This open-source application allows users to clean and transform data from variety of formats such as CSV, XML, RDF, JSON, etc. Open Refine is particularly useful for finding outliers in data and checking distribution of values in columns through facets. It allows data reconciliation with external data sources such as Freebase and OpenCorporates4.

Why choosing Oriental Solutions a right choice?

Oriental Solutions build world-class predictive analytical solutions, document management teams, and data-driven cultures that produce a sustainable competitive advantage.

Quality is of utmost importance to us. At Oriental Solutions, we practice quality management, including number of business processes, specific to our clients. In addition to it, we have developed proprietary software to measure accuracy in our process.

We have a team of skilled members who believe in quality and deliver high level of accuracy in the given turn-around time. For any issues, technical support is available round the clock. We have Guaranteed accuracy levels that exceeds industry standards along with the competitive price of service.


With the growth in the number of data sources and of decentralised content generation, ensuring data quality becomes a fundamental issue on data management environments in the Big Data era.

Data curation observes the use of data, focusing on how context, narrative, and meaning can be collected around a reusable data set. It creates trust in data by tracking the social network and social bonds between users of data. By employing lists, popularity rankings, annotations, relevance feeds, comments, articles and the upvoting or downvoting of data assets, curation takes organizations beyond data documentation to creating trust in data across the enterprise.

Always remember to ask yourself this question

“How long can you afford to wait – and will you be able to ramp up quickly enough when the time to catch-up comes?”

To know more, contact us or email us @ info@orientalsolutions.com or call at +91 95000 47196

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